Agak berhabuk blog ni x update kn.. sbb mood raya tu xde.. tp dlm wktu org beraya ade happy utk ku.. sbb day b4 raya is my birthday.. so dpt call free ade la dpt call kwn2 utk wish raya.. :)
n also dpt hadiah dr my mum..
Agak berhabuk blog ni x update kn.. sbb mood raya tu xde.. tp dlm wktu org beraya ade happy utk ku.. sbb day b4 raya is my birthday.. so dpt call free ade la dpt call kwn2 utk wish raya.. :)
n also dpt hadiah dr my mum..
2nd gift from my daddy.. charm bracelet.. da lame da nk beli bracelet ni.. tp bile pk2 x sesuai dgn tgn ku yg kecik comel ni so xbeli.. tp bracelet ni bile pkai pun agk besar utk ku.. tp bile jln2 kt MINEs ade kios yg jual aksesori minx die buang skit chain yg ade so fit for my size... tht's it..
I LOVE IT tooo... n I LOVE U DADDY.. u knw wht i want..
thanx for the Burbery handbag to0 (ori xmampu la kn.. huhu)
I LOVE IT tooo... n I LOVE U DADDY.. u knw wht i want..
thanx for the Burbery handbag to0 (ori xmampu la kn.. huhu)
Lastly..tgk couple ring.. :)
ingt sje tgk2 .. so disebabkn buy 1 free 1.. beli la.. utk ganti ring yg da 2tahun di jari kami.. ;)
this ring simbolic for our 2nd anniversary last 2 months..
terukit nama kami JASIERRA..
tht's all for today..
akn dtg akn di update about my campus life for further my 1st degree major in Fashion Design at UiTM Shah Alam..
So sape2 kwn yg ade di Shah Alam,if terjmpe ku tegur2 la ye..
xoxo <3
ingt sje tgk2 .. so disebabkn buy 1 free 1.. beli la.. utk ganti ring yg da 2tahun di jari kami.. ;)
this ring simbolic for our 2nd anniversary last 2 months..
terukit nama kami JASIERRA..
tht's all for today..
akn dtg akn di update about my campus life for further my 1st degree major in Fashion Design at UiTM Shah Alam..
So sape2 kwn yg ade di Shah Alam,if terjmpe ku tegur2 la ye..
xoxo <3
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